of the Year
CSM(R) Harold G. Baxter
CSM(R) Harold G. Baxter has been selected by the Fort
Leonard Wood Retiree Council as Fort Leonard Wood's Retiree of the
Year for 1998.
Sergeant Major Baxter has a truly
outstanding record ofvolunteer work in and around the Fort Leonard Wood
community. He has accumulated over 5,000 hours as both volunteer
and volunteer coordinator at General Leonard Wood Army Community
Hospital--providing a service to assist patients and their families with
their medical and personal needs. CSM(R) Baxter also devotes his
time to the MEDDAC Health Care Board, is an active member of the
Fort Leonard Wood Retiree Council, a lifetime member of the
Association of the United States Army, and is a member of and active
in the Sergeants Major Association. To his credit, CSM(R) Baxter is
the honorary Command Sergeant Major of the Engineer Regiment and
has been for the last three years; he has also been selected as honorary
Command Sergeant Major of the Regiment for an additional year.
CSM(R) Baxter retired from the US Army in 1978 after 30
years of active military service. He served as the installation
Command Sergeant Major and both 1st and 3d Brigades Command
Sergeant Major before retirement. Other duty assignments include
United States Army Transportation Command, Europe; 1st Cavalry
Division, Vietnam; United States Army Engineer Center, Fort Belvoir,
Virginia; 172nd Infantry Brigade, Alaska; 1st Cavalry Division, Korea;
217th Engineer Battalion, Arkansas Army National Guard; 1st
Armored Division, Fort Polk, Louisiana; 54th Engineer Battalion,
Germany; 15th Transportation Battalion, France; 407th Engineer
Battalion, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Office of Chief of Engineers,
Germany; and 256th Engineer Battalion in England, France, and
Germany during World War II. He has received the Legion of Merit;
Bronze Star Medal; Meritorious Service Medal, 1st Oak Leaf Cluster;
Air Medal with numeral 9; Army Commendation Medal, 1st Oak Leaf
Cluster; 10th award of the Good Conduct Medal, and the United States
Army Engineer Regiment's Silver deFleury Medal.
He is
married to the former Marolyn L. Harrison of Kansas
City, Missouri. They have four children and six grandchildren. |